Python script to assist with solving Killer Sudokus.
The code presents a menu-driven program with three options:

Cage Overlap (Option A) allows the user to calculate the split value of a cage overlapping two boxes (N and A) based on a given total value (N) and what must remain for the remaining cage.

_________ ____ |    
| N      ||B  ||    
|        ||   ||    
|        ||___||    
|        |_____|____ 
|              | A  |

Cage Combinations (Option B): This option allows the user to generate all possible combinations of numbers (from 1 to 9) that add up to a given total and have a specific area.

Calculator (Option C): This option provides a basic calculator functionality. The user can input arithmetic expressions in the format “number1 + number2” or “number1 – number2” and get the corresponding result.

The program keeps running until the user chooses to return to the main menu by entering “0” as their input. It ensures that the inputs are validated and provides appropriate feedback and error handling.

Overall, this code offers a simple interactive environment for cage-related calculations and basic arithmetic operations

PYTHON killer_sudoku.txt

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